Thanks to for tackling the topic of "what your period is called in other countries." We may have to borrow a few of these as they really are original! I bet it took a few women all on the same cycle to come up with some of these. After all, women on the same menstrual cycle should be considered gang members, that's how dangerous they are! #CupUp Ladies!
- Communists Have Invaded
- I've Got the Painters In
- I've Got the Flags Out
- English Are Coming
- River of Blood
- Bitchy Witchy Week
- Floodgates Open Up
- A Little Ketchup with my Steak
- Attracting the Lesbian Vampires
- A Snatch Box Decorated with Red Roses
- Aunt Flo Sent Someone Else in Her Place
- Rebooting the Ovarian Operating System
- The Banks of the Nile Are Overflowing and Running Red
- Indians are Visiting
- There Are Communists in the Funhouse
- There will be Painted in the Hall
- I have the Men's Frustration
- I Cook Strawberry
- The Cranberry Woman is Coming
- You're Homemade
- Monthly Statement
- I'm Seducing Vampires
- The Soviets are Coming
- Tears of a Disappointed Uterus
- Aunt Flo From Red River was Visiting
- The Time of the Moon
- Strawberry Season
- Granny Came in a Red Ferrari
- Granny Stuck in Traffic
- Hammock Season
- I'm with Chico
- Bleeding Like a Banshee
- Maintenance Day
- Mad Cow Disease
- Bad Moon Rising
- Dated Grumpy
- Oil Change
- Crow Has Touched Them
- Little Red Sister Has Come
- Have you seen Fred Yet?
- Mother's Eldest Sister
- Strawberry Process
- Monthly Event
- My Uncle From the States has Arrived
- Inconvenient Visitor
- Strawberry Jam Time
- Red Sails in the Sunset
- Little Miss Strawberry
- Give me two things: chocolate and space
- The Tomato Soup is Overcooked
- I'm Laying an Egg
- My Aunt Parked her Red Porsche Outside
- Little Albert is Still a Terrible Myth
- Liverpool are Playing at Home
- I'm Flying the Japanese Flag
- She's Got the Painters In
- My Steak is Raw
- Red Sails in the Sunset
- Walk Like an Egyptian
- Did the Rooster Already Sing?
- I'm On